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Help us restore native forests across the Chignecto Isthmus. This internationally recognized ecosystem connects Nova Scotia to the rest of Canada, and is vital for communities, wildlife, and our shared climate – but only if we can protect it first. The vulnerability and importance of the isthmus is why we have been restoring forests in the region since 2014. Known by the region’s original and present Indigenous communities as the Mi'kma'ki district of Siknikt, this area has served as a rich and important meeting place for the Mi’kmaq Nation for thousands of years – and has provided a vital land bridge for local communities, the region’s unique wildlife, and natural biodiversity. Unfortunately, the region faces many threats – from forest habitat fragmentation to risk of flooding exacerbated by climate change. With your support, Community Forests is restoring and protecting these lands by planting more than 350,000 trees across multiple forest restoration sites on the special Chignecto Isthmus. We plant a diversity of 11 native tree species like red oak, white pine, and sugar maples on properties owned by Community Forests. Our climate-adaptive forest management prioritizes ecosystem restoration and climate change resilience – and with your help we can restore diverse and healthy forests that will provide important wildlife habitat, climate benefits, and ecosystem protection for generations to come.



Did you know: Trees are amazing organisms. Every tree captures carbon dioxide and generates oxygen for other people, plants, and animals on earth. Depending on the size and type of tree, a single mature tree can produce enough oxygen for up to 18 people!


Did you know: humanity destroys 18 million acres of forest every year. That’s billions of trees that are being wiped out year-after-year for building materials, paper manufacture, or to make room for cattle grazing or infrastructure development. At Tree Plan, we want to turn that around. It’s our goal to be part of the solution, ensuring that healthy forests and abundant clean air are available for the coming generations.


Tree Plan works with individuals, businesses and organizations, empowering them to reforest the planet and reconnect with nature while still realizing their business goals. Our marketing services combine environmental, social, and commercial goals into a single focus. Essentially, we partner with people and businesses to plant more trees!

© 2020-2024 by Velvet Room BV for Tree Plan.

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